Couple kisses in the sunset above Regusci Vineyards
Engaged couple laughs in fall forest near Olympia
Engaged couple display their save the date sign
Engaged couple lays on Clearwater Beach at dusk
Engaged couple kisses at Piegon Point Lighthouse
Engaged couple wear warm sweaters in bright colors
Engaged couple clostup at Regusci Vineyards
Engaged couple snuggle in their orange Lotus
Beach glows white for engaged couple
Engaged military couple kiss on Monterey Warf
Engaged couple on tile steps in Newport Beach
Engaged couple behind palm trees in Naples
Engaged couple poses on Olympia waterfront
Engaged couple kiss with Seattle skyline in background
Engaged couple hold hands with beach in the back
Couple snuggles beside an old boat and a palm tree
Engaged couple kiss under fierce Phoenix sky
Engaged couple pose along the Thompson River
We got ourselves in a photo in Santorini
Engaged couple laughs on lawn in downtown Portland
Engaged couple gets close at Priest Point Park
Couple poses with Oia in the background
Engaged couple poses under Texas sunset
Engaged couple sits on beach wall in Newport Beach
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