Kissing in endless pink tulips
Taking a selfie with Oia in the background
Ami looks back over her shoulder at Eric
Engaged couple nessles together in tall grass
Engagement Shoot in Monterey, California
Couple kissing in the sunset near Pigeon Point
Engagement Shoot in Santa Rosa, California
Engaged couple with dog at Regusci Vineyards
Engagement Shoot in Newport Beach, California
Engagement Shoot in San Luis Obispo, California
Engagement Shoot in Santa Cruz, California
Engagement Shoot in Santa Rosa, California
Engagement Shoot in Charlotte, North Carolina
Engagement Shoot in Logan, Ohio
Engagement Shoot at Pacifica Gardens in Grants Pass, Oregon
Engagement Shoot in Napa, California
Sun flairs around engaged couples heads in Hoboken, New Jersey
Couple kissing while the fog rolls into Dunedin
Engagement Shoot in Key Largo, Florida
Engagement Shoot in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Engagement Shoot at Mariner Stadium in Seattle, Washington
Engagement Shoot in Seattle, Washington
Engagement Shoot in Destin, Florida
Engaged couple stands tall over San Diego skyline from Centennial Park
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