Groom shows his new tattoo of wife's name
Wedding at Blueberry Hill Inn in Goshen, Vermont
Brides dress hangs on the church doors
Brides lovely boquet held in front of her
Sliced steak for the wedding feast
Grooms yellow flowers
Henna hands in Dubai
Cannot wait to eat these cupcakes
Brides dress and lovely yellow flowers
Follow the sign to the wedding ceremony
White wedding cake with yellow flowers
Hands holding the box with the diamond wedding ring
Bride signs license with red roses in the foreground
Spring colored bridal boquets
Love spelled with scrabble and a diamond ring
Bridal dress, flowers, and jewlery
Wedding rings on the Seattle Times
Lovely henna hands
Red roses in front of a black and white wedding dress
Purple and Gold up-lighting for wedding reception
Holding Rings and Roses
A wild animal wedding cake
Mom pins the fathers flower on his suit
Wedding rings on the marriage license
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