Category :: Blogs

Cord & Katie


Arthur, NE :: It was almost a year ago when we first talked with Katie & Cord about their plans for their wedding day and photography on his parents ranch "The Haythorn Land & Cattle Co." located in rural western Nebraska. Upon our arrival, we could see what they'd envisioned  

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Will & Mary

Cascade Locks, OR :: This isn't the first time we've shot a wedding on Thunder Island which is located in the middle of the Columbia River in the iconic and famously beautiful Columbia River Gorge, but this probably was the most wind we've ever had to contend with at a  

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Rochelle & Kristi

Olympia, WA :: You can tell that Albees Garden is beautiful no matter what time of year it is, but July in Washington is sort of the pinnacle of perfection when it comes to weather you depend on. Every season has it's unique offerings too, but a breezy warm afternoon,  

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Christopher & Monica

Manitowish Waters, WI :: Wisconsin is such a captivatingly beautiful state and it has a distinct personality that is recognizable as soon as you arrive. Weather you like (or don't like) cheese, brats, lakes, and mosquitoes won't matter, because it's beauty is exceptional and it's charm is unique.

It's easy  

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