About :: Sonia

Hello, I'm Sonia... Stephen's wife, Photographer, Author, and Social-Media Manager for "About the Day", and 1/2 of our complete company! Most of the posts you see on our site, along with the photography, is a collaboration between the two of us, but these are the posts I've written or finalized. To discover more about both of us, check out our About Us page.

Recent Posts by :: Sonia

Chris & Paige

Oroville, WA :: Often we joke about the weather playing little tricks on us, and it's mostly because there's a flip-side to just about any weather condition. For example; a sunny day might sound perfect, but it could also have everybody squinting in the mid-day sun, or it might be  

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Will & Mary

Cascade Locks, OR :: This isn't the first time we've shot a wedding on Thunder Island which is located in the middle of the Columbia River in the iconic and famously beautiful Columbia River Gorge, but this probably was the most wind we've ever had to contend with at a  

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Christopher & Monica

Manitowish Waters, WI :: Wisconsin is such a captivatingly beautiful state and it has a distinct personality that is recognizable as soon as you arrive. Weather you like (or don't like) cheese, brats, lakes, and mosquitoes won't matter, because it's beauty is exceptional and it's charm is unique.

It's easy  

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Jason & Sarah


McMinnville, OR :: Rainy days are not uncommon in Oregon, and learning to adjust to it is just a part of life. If anything, the rain is a large part of why it is so beautiful... and there are fewer places more beautiful then the Willamette Valley in it's blooming  

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Recent Comments by Sonia

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