Haliegh poses in her softball outfit
Mark poses for senior photos with grafiti wall
Katelin pose beside a tree for senior photos in Lacey, Washington
Ainslie poses for senior photo in red sweater
Closeup of Holly with stunning makeup
Chris leans up against a chain link fence
Rebekah poses for senior photos in white on the concrete steps
Ronnie poses for senior photo in St.Martins woods
Tasha poses for her photo in the snow
Chris sits on the concrete steps for senior photos
Holly poses in the middle of the road
Katelin lays on the grass for senior photos in Lacey, Washington
Ainslie poses for senior photo in green jacket
Mark poses for senior photos with grafiti wall
Closeup of Ainslie for senior photos
Rebekah poses for senior photos in the fall leaves
Codi poses on the lawn with fall colored leaves in Grants Pass
Holly poses with white fence
Closeup of Sasha's pefect makeover
Closeup of Cassidy for senior photos
Chris in his football uniform for senior photos
Ainslie poses for senior photo in red sweater
Cassidy leans on a schoolyard fence at sunset
Mark poses for senior photos with grafiti wall
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