Kissing under a dramatic sky with the clock tower in the background
Bride and Groom pose in the forest
Wedding party walking in a line
Bride and Groom kiss in the French Quarter
Bride sneaks a look before the ceremony
Bride and Groom exchange rings at Thornewood Castle
Bride and Groom kiss in the barrel room
Love spelled with scrabble and a diamond ring
Bride and Groom with the Edmonton skyline in the background
Bride and Groom beside a rustic GMC truck
Groom gets ready with father and grandfather
Bride and Groom pose on Hawaii's black rocks
Bride and Groom exit ceremony at Laconner Flats with bubbles
Bride and Groom stand in a field during sunset
Bride signs mariage license with roses in foreground
Country wedding with beautiful Bride and cowboy Groom
Beautiful wedding reception decorations in the sunset at Moore Mansion
Bride and Groom kiss in the sunset
Groom in full military dress
Bride and Groom get sunset photo op at Rancho De La Fuente
Eastern Indian wedding couple with darkening sky
Wedding rings on the Seattle Times
Bride and Groom look out at the Pacific Ocean
Ruben Studdard and Zuri exit Canterbury United Methodist Church
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