The Akeurst family stands along a road at the Koreshan State Historic Site in Estero, Florida
The Bride and Grooms and their parents all pose together
Katelin pose beside a tree for senior photos in Lacey, Washington
The Sheppard family in their Canadian gear are dressed for the cold
The Sheppard family in their Canadian gear are dressed for the cold
The Sheppard family kids see and hear no evil
Mommy & Mylee walk along a treelined pathway in Lacey, Washington
Mylee is imitated by her mother, which is very cutes
Chase kneels along a path to the Thompson River
The Tuohey family brave the cold for a family photo
Rory poses in the woods like a woodland fairy
The Funell family gather at the park in Kamloops, BC
Shawn blends into the leaves at Riverside Park
The Tuohey family risk it all for a family photo on the railroad tracks
The Loid family now has a new member
Mackenzie poses for school photos in Indian Head, MD
Phyllis and her two lovey dogs in Kamloops, BC
Blaine and Alex sit feet forward in the grass
The Duke family poses on an old John Deere tractor
The Harrison girls lay in the grass and smile
Julie pouts about the cold, or maybe she's hungry
The whole family on the front steps of the house
The Repar family sits in a old boxcar on for a Christmas card photo
Mackenzie snuggles up with Zed at Indian Head, MD
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